Friday, June 29, 2012

Entirely. To. Hot

The downside
I think my mind has melted in the heat and it's not working any more.
The upside
not thinking as much!

The downside
This morning I thought I owed the chiropractor six grand.
The upside
I owe her 2,500. That's great when compared to the previous number. So I'll keep the big one in mind--it makes this one looks better.

The downside
I'm hot and uncomfortable which equals more bad sub awards.
The upside (I think. Maybe...)
He still wants to do mean things to me.

The downside
it's too hot to function.
The upside
working on it
still thinking...
Heat stroke hasn't killed me?

I hate being cold but I'm about to up and pack for the North Pole.


  1. One upside I think of in this heat wave is that you must eat ice cream in order to survive.

    I'll be happy to meet you at the North Pole!

    1. Serenity,
      The problem with living in the middle of nowhere, is that by the time the ice cream gets home, you have to wait 24 hours for it to refreeze lol.

      I'm packing now! Interestingly enough, I don't like being cold. But in the heat of summer it sounds damn good lol.
      My husband says I'm just impossible to please...

  2. I have to agree.....this heat has been bad to the bone!!! I want to lay out And work on my tan but it is just too hot for that!


    1. Belle,
      Yea, I have decided that fried is just not my color. Though after spending the whole day outside yesterday, I think I may be shedding my skin here soon lol.

  3. I'd much prefer the cold to the heat too..

    Belle... what's happened to your blog? I had the same thing happen just a few days after Conina's. Quick go re-activate it with a mobile number or whatever.

    1. I think I got it fixed:) thanks!

    2. FA, I like that perfect spring middle ground that seems so short around here.

  4. I hate being hot too. It's nearly 5 p.m. here and my non-air conditioned house is still 92 miserable degrees.

    1. Kat, sounds like you are in my living room! And the worst is having to leave the house closed up and coming home to that blast of insufferable heat that just makes you feel like your bones are melting lol.


Play nice.