Sunday, August 12, 2012

Just one hour...

August kicks my ass. Every. Year.

One of our nieces was born four years ago today. She had a malfunctioning chamber and two holes in her heart. Two years ago next week, my father passed away. And twelve days from today, our youngest son will turn four.

I stayed up way past my bedtime last night (self-imposed bedtime that is. I've been begging for a real one for ages, but he refuses to give me one. Sigh. The inhumanity of it all). So of course, I woke up ready to go back to bed.

All in all, August is just a bit much lol.

All I want is one hour where I have no control. Over anything.

Just one hour...


  1. For me, it is June. And yes, I agree - you should get a bedtime.

    Of course, then you might have to complain about it... LOL.

    1. LOL. Yes of course--I would absolutely have to complain about it.

  2. May is my hard month but August is sure no picnic either.
    I agree. We should both get bed times. Look it's 11pm near me and I know I will not want to get up in the a.m. Though Kitty is right (as she usually is) if I do get a bed time I'm sure I will complain. :P (even though I really want one)

    1. Adaline,
      seems we all have our months huh? And yes, kitty makes a very valid point. See, it's a complaint win-win situation!

  3. Maybe I should give a bed time to Lisa, stating she cannot go to bed before that Bed time.
    Oh well, would not help, she'd just fall asleep on the couch.
    To us it's January. New year, go to the doctor with all those vague things we ignored during the Hollidays. And Bingo!
    We hardly dare to wish each other a Happy New Year anymore.

    1. Bas,
      lol, it's hard to avoid the magnetism of the couch to be sure.
      January is never easy here either. Though August is the only month we have three birthdays and two deaths, so it kind of takes the cake. Oy, how could I have forgotten to mention that...See, that's what happens when there's just too much at once!

  4. August is my worse month too, closely followed by February.
    Hope you find at least one hour.

    1. sunnygirl,
      on the surface August is such a benign and lovely time being summer and all. But circumstances change everything don't they.
      I think that given the amount of hours in a month, one isn't too much of a stretch! Thank you.

  5. November 1 - January 15th are my roughest months. I always get hit with depression, worse than usual. I don't know why the holidays are so tough but they are.
    August however brings two of my son's birthdays and the end of summer.
    I hope that August will be kind to you.

    1. Blondie,
      While it doesn't make me happy when other people have hard times, it's still nice to know that everyone seems to have their own version of my August.

      Thank you Blondie. And I hope that winter treats you better this year.

  6. Hold on, lil! September is coming! The weather will cool down, the days will get shorter (and hopefully sleep will get longer), and things will get better!

    Of course, then you'll start to miss summer, so there you go...

    1. Jake,
      lol. The only season I truly miss is Spring, and around here it's damned short.
      But yes...In the winter I like to complain about being cold, and summer is certainly the best time to object to the heat.

  7. I quite like August, only because it means I have a full year until I'm another year older!
    I think I might need a bedtime too! It's after 3am here and I can't sleep. I can almost taste the crabbiness already that I'm sure I'll feel through lack of sleep. Fingers crossed for that hour lil.

    Dee x

    1. Dee,
      lol. That's pretty much how I feel about April.

      I hate it when that happens! You know you need to go to sleep, then the pressure of knowing you SHOULD be asleep makes it that much harder.
      I hope you get to sleep in!

  8. I start to dwindle immediately after the Summer Solstice and by August I'm basically drooling int the corner. I tried hard to ignore the calendar when a therapist pointed out my regularity but it is too true and I just accept that I need to take really good care of myself. So August is hard for you for different reasons but the caring for will still work. Loose some of the stressors. Cry frequently and let others be really nice to you

    1. Saoirse,
      I think that recognizing those times does help to deal with them.
      And I'll be over in the corner mopping up our combined drool lol.
      Thank you.


Play nice.