Sunday, July 5, 2015

Ramblings of the Most Boring Kind

Has is really been more than two weeks since I last came here to ramble?? Since I cannot seem to keep track of the days, I will take Blogger's word for it. No wonder I woke up missing it here. Not even here really...I have nothing interesting to say or share, or even to vent. Sure, I could do lots of venting, but its not interesting. I miss you though. The people who come here. And I miss roaming around Blogland in my free time. Free time...Ha. 55-60 hour work weeks just don't seem to offer much of that!

I have been waking up with a case of the funks lately. Well, for the few minutes I have to think about those funks anyways.
I'm tempted to do my normal bit and run straight to the paperwork. My deadline got moved up...In no uncertain terms I was informed just how unhappy our general manager would be and how freely he would make sure that no one else was happy if I missed the deadline. I refrained from pointing out that, given the people he's talking about, very few of us would not return the favor...
My son asked if I'd get fired for taking a day off. I laughed--not this week kiddo, not this week. This week my job is the most secure it will ever be because 90% of the paperwork this company needs to get going lives only on my desktop at the moment. It's a terrible thing really. We'll see how well (or badly) I have done after the state audits them. I am going to audit them myself first. You know, with all that extra time I have to do so before someone has a hissy of epic proportions...Wish me luck.

Someone gave us a very nice bottle of champagne (I can't even spell that) for our anniversary, I'm saving it until after we see how all my paperwork pans out. My backup plan, should it go south, is Tequila. Sounds reasonable, right?

Did I mention that I miss you? I miss the interaction, the visitors, the knowledge that my words are never lonely because there's always someone there to read them, someone there who knows that they exist, someone who understands what they mean when they pour out of me.

He read here the other day, and he was not happy with what he saw. We both have good, if very stressful jobs. Somehow I fell into a position by default of starting to work for free because it had to be done,  knowledge, drive, and brains, that I would never have gotten back home. He's got his dream job. The kids are healthy and mostly happy. I stick to my food budget, but I don't add the pennies. Life is not bad here.

There's this concept, well lots of them really, but one in particular that I doubt I'll ever adapt to. In fact, I hope that I do not, and I certainly wouldn't wish for my children to do so. It's about seeing people not as who they are, but how they exist as assets--it's not about valuing people for who they are, but only what they can do for you. And I don't like it. I think its a crappy approach to humanity.

Life is not bad here...
Yet...It's still not "my" life.

Odd feeling, that...

I actually took yesterday off, so I had better make up for it today.


  1. We miss you, too.
    We understand… but miss you none the less.

    hang in there, chica.

    1. Jz,

      :) I'm hangin...Not sure by what anymore, but something!

  2. Your font makes my eyes hurt (I blame it on a bad case of "the 40's" on my part LOL) but I still read your blog and can totally sympathize with a lot of it. Life, responsibilities get in the way of what we really want to do sometimes and it sucks and all we can do is keep going, keep talking, keep thinking of ways to get back to what we really want to be doing, and keep and eye out for ways to jump at the opportunities when they arrive, even if they are few and far between! Hang in there.

    1. Tamar,
      my blog makes my eyes hurt not matter what font I use these days. Lol.

      Thank you!

  3. Loved hearing from you. I miss you too.

    You sound busy as hell but not nearly as 'blue' as the last time, so I guess you're adapting a little better.

    Wishing you the best and I'm sure you'll sail through that audit.

    1. sunnygirl,
      eh, adaptation seems to be on a day by day basis here lol.

      Audit hasn't happened yet...But against my advice, the boss decided to send them everything wayy earlier than they wanted it, so they have plenty of extra time to pick it apart :/

      Thank you!

  4. Great to hear from you Lil, I miss you too. Gosh, you are both so busy! I do hope life settles down a tad for you. Wishing you the best with the audit and sending positive thoughts your way.


    1. Roz,
      never seems to slow down even a little around here!

  5. It's always nice to see a post from you, even a rant one lol

    To echo the others hope the audit goes away...and enjoy the champagne :)


    1. tori,
      rants seem to accompany all of my written words these days. Lol

      Still waiting on that champagne. Or Tequila. Not feeling too picky lately...

  6. sometimes the rambling posts really say the most..... I hope that everything turns out. I wish I knew how to get rid of the funks, but it just seems to come upon me one day and then some other day they leave, no rhyme or reason that I can see.

    1. Blondie,
      yes, things do seem to pour out in rambles that would have otherwise remained repressed!
      Mine have no rhyme or reason either...Well, sometimes they have damn good reason, lol.
      Wish I could figure it all out though...


Play nice.