Saturday, May 9, 2015


While I have acknowledged that there are some key definitive differences between slavery and submission, for me they are so intertwined as to have become interchangeable forms of expression...

So often we circle back to the fact that if I'm drawing the line anywhere, we are not what we believe ourselves to be. Because that's just not how this works for us.
It's those things really...The things where I want to pull up short, draw the line in the sand, and exert my nonexistent veto power. Those are the things that define my slavery. Surrendering regardless of the doubt, the distaste, the overwhelming desire not to.

It is easy, is it not? To submit to that which one finds pleasing and appealing. That is not, however, what I believe slavery to be. Yes, there are times when I am more than willing, wanting, needing, desiring. The flow is...Easy. It is those edges I pull up short on though, those places I do not want to go, the experiences that make me cringe, those are the things which feed the junky in me. No choices to make, no options offered or allowed, being forced into that which I either abhor or want desperately to pretend is against what I desire...

Truly, to me, slavery is defined in that one small sentence--it is about one's willingness to accept things which one is absolutely unwilling to experience. The knowledge that I will be shattered into a million tiny pieces, carefully collected, and put back together again. Each piece treated like a fragile scrap of glass to be gathered with the utmost care...

Our arrangement is based on core agreements that I will not renege on, nor do I wish to revoke them.

Ultimately, I will accept anything he asks of me. He will draw my lines in the sand, define the places I will not go, the things I will not do, and make he determination of what is too much or not enough. Some people will think it's wrong, others that it is not actually possible.

The thing is, in the end, he has always been better than me at weighing my discomfort against actual harm.I have a thousand tiny scars accumulated in a very short span of time before he came into my life. When weighing my personal desires against their ability to damage me, well, I don't actually do that and I never really have. He does.

He tells me that everyone has a box full of darkness, and it's a privilege to be allowed to see inside. Our boxes of darkness belong to us, and no one is obligated to let another look inside. He explores mine carefully with unfettered access, stepping gently in the absence of light without offering judgement on the shadows. He opens his own and invites me to cast a glance inside. All that he asks is that I return the favor and not pass judgement on his demons.


  1. This was truly lovely to read Lil. :) You're right, it's not about the things that are easy at all, it's about surrendering to things that aren't easy.


    1. Thank you, mouse. Glad you enjoyed it. It's good to see you!

  2. Your happiness is what counts - that's it in a nutshell, no mater what any of us think or say, you've no need to explain.

    1. sunnygirl,
      clearly, I am out of practice with blogging! That is very true. Thank you for the reminder. Though, it's as good of an excuse as any to actually publish something here! Something's got to keep this poor blog alive. Lol.

  3. Just yes, to all of this, it's easy to submit to what one likes but a different matter when it's something one doesn't like and doesn't want.


    1. tori,
      it is very different, isn't it? And while it's definitely more of a struggle in the beginning, that tendency to resist what one doesn't want has a way or raring its head when least expected sometimes...

  4. For some, though, there is a difference between submitting to something we don't like and don't want, and submitting to something that we cannot -- but for slave, that may include only those things that the one and only true and infallible Master (God) forbids or commands.

    I'm just expressing the conviction of some slaves who believe in God that they cannot obey their human master over God as Master, recognizing their human master can be fallible. They can make these discernments, follow these lines, and still be a slave. It may not be your definition of slave as a couple, and presumably that would be especially true if as a couple you do not believe in God, or in God as personal Master of both of you. For those who do, the definitions are different, because their human master is not their practical god.

    For those who do not currently believe in a Divine Master, but find themselves balking at some suggestion or expectation of their human master, it may be indicative that inside there is something built in that does recognize there may be limits that the Divine Master is whispering. Or not. It may be nothing more than slavehood being tested. (It really depends on what is being considered/commanded, and whether or not there really is absolute right and wrong, and a God who whispers to our hearts about it when we are faced with choices.)

    What I think, though, is that if there is a one true Master of the Universe and everyone in it, that we may not get very far when we slaves try to claim that we were only following our human masters when THE Master whispered His instructions in our ear/heart.

    It's just something to think about. It's the first time I've finally offered this idea for consideration, after a couple of years of slaves agonizing when their masters want to bring in a third, and they feel they cannot, but they also feel that they are being a bad slave if they cannot -- they in fact aren't being a slave at all.

    That is true -- they are violating their slavehood if the only realities are they and their master. They may well be the most obedient slave, though, if God exists and the slave is listening to the Master of both of them.

    It's just another lens through which to consider these things.

    1. anon,
      I can see how a difference in belief systems can create very different experiences of, and approaches to, slave-hood. Of course, that is also true of many things in life :)
      I think that as long as one is in a relationship wherein both partners hold the same belief system, the approach of an all-powerful master above both ends of the power spectrum (or not), then that system of belief will have a great impact on the definition of what the relationship is and how it should work for the people who are living it.

  5. This post has given me much thought...I'd like to expand on that, but I really must go before I get into something I shouldn't. Lol.

    1. Misty,
      oh c'mon...Self expression can be so liberating! Lol.

  6. Absolutely beautiful and so prolific. I'm so glad you visited me and I found you. I can't wait to read more. Have a great Sunday. K

    1. Thank you, K.
      And thank you for stopping by! I found your post at a very opportune time. That is one of my favorite things about Blogland--that seeming happenstance of stumbling on something that resonates with one's current experience and shines a little light into a particular corner.

  7. This is beautiful. A wonderfully written explanation that I agree with completely. I'm glad you have found someone to share your darkness with.

    1. CM,
      thank you!
      And I am glad for it too. So incredibly glad...

  8. I'm sorry I am behind in commenting Lil. I just read this and your previous post. Beautifully written and explained.


    1. Roz,
      don't be sorry! I love how much you comment here. I won't judge you for passing on some of my few and far between ramblings!
      Thank you!

  9. Just read this after reading about your comment above. The true meaning of being a slave is for me as you describe. It is within you and it is not about agreeing to do the things you want to do when you want to do them. It is about trusting that he knows better than you what you should and shouldn't do and knowing that you will do it anyway.

    1. Julie,
      Though I do think that you put it far better than I!


Play nice.