Saturday, May 18, 2013

Falling off the High Road

I try to play nice, I really do. Unfortunately, I am not always successful. What can I say, I'm a work in progress.

The ideal approach
It doesn't always come out like that though....Sometimes I fail at the niceties, and things look more like this

To put it bluntly...
What can I say, I try to be a nice person, but I had a really crappy day, and everyone falls off the high road sometimes right?


  1. Mmmmmhmmmm, it must be going around today, lil. I know exactly how you feel.


    1. June,
      in the air perhaps?
      On the bright side, there's good company!

  2. You have that right. As I always say, semantics.

    1. sunnygirl,
      I have a terrible habit of getting all wound up in the semantics...

  3. There's a high road??? Huh, didn't know ere was one. I'll have to look for it a little more often. (Lol)

    PS (said more seriously) whatever you do, do NOT censor yourself. You are not an offensive person, you do not publish offensive posts. (I would tell you if you were/did.) Some people chose to be offended. You can't help that. :)
    I'm done now. Have a good day!

    1. Sarah,
      Oh yes, there is a high road--I know this because Alpha is consistently shoving me back up onto it, and insisting that I take it. It can be terribly inconvenient to be made to be a better person...

  4. People attack what they don't understand. I kind of think both approaches can be the right approach.


    1. Roz,
      I'm pretty sure the best approach is generally the one where I manage to avoid going batshit crazy over things that don't really matter...

      You make a great point about people attacking what they don't understand--I think that is a part of human nature that we all manage in our own ways.

  5. At least your approach is much more reasonable than the one in which I put on a hair shirt and mope for a week... Yes, it would be lovely to think we could all hit precisely the right note every time but we can't.
    It's that danged "being human" thing.

    The good news is, that puts us in some danged fine company!!

    *shoulder bump*

    1. Jz,
      I have a hair shirt that I reserve for very special mopeing occasions that seem to last far longer than a week. I try to avoid it--terribly uncomfortable.

      I'm all about the fine company!

      *Shoulder bump*

  6. This is your blog! You write and share what you want! Haters can fuck off, I say.

    1. ksst,
      lol. Say how you really feel now!

      Seriously though, I do think that self censorship is very counterproductive to blogging.

  7. Honestly think that if people are going to be offended then they shouldn't read it. Please don't censor yourself x Sarah

    1. Sarah,
      that is generally my personal approach to things I find that I don't like...I think it's probably the healthy choice!


Play nice.