Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Search Terms of 2013

Oddly enough, I have found myself without much of anything to say lately. So today I decided to go with some things that other people are saying.

"Sex calls me dirty little whore."
 Huh...I have been called a dirty little whore during sex, but I have never heard sex itself call me anything...

"i want my wife to do a pull a train"
Okay, so the only reason this one made the cut is because I had to go look it up. I still can't figure out on how on God's green earth this got them here.

"drops to make someone submissive"
Omg! Do those require a prescription?? Because I could see them keeping me out of a lot of trouble.

"how to make your bitchy girlfriend submit"
Oh c'mon, really? I'm going to start getting offended if I keep getting hits from the whole "bitchy girlfriend" premise.

"the terrible girl submissive"

"create submissive girlfriend"
Is that like making pie?

"a whore called me a cunt" 
This one is by far my favorite. What else is there to say about it?

"Dominant dirty socks girl." 
Ew...I simply cannot think of any scenario where dirty socks are sexy, hot, or otherwise appealing in any way.

"How to become a sex slave to a vanilla husband"
I'm not a miracle worker you know...


  1. LOL!!!
    I don't know what's funnier, the terms or your comments.
    Thanks for the laugh!

  2. Lol how funny, now have to look up the pull a train one x

    1. Anon,
      yea, that one was a major Google fluke lol.

  3. Yeah .. definitely love the commentary! :D

    Pull a train?!?! o.O


    1. Lost Kittie,
      if only it actually had anything at all to do with trains...

  4. I love it when you do these, it is odd the search terms that come up...i keep getting ones about being a bad slave!!! its giving me quite a complex lol


    1. tori,
      Ooh, bad slave huh...It's enough to give a person a complex after a while isn't it lol.

  5. These are hilarious lil! I love seeing how people find me...more than that I love seeing the 'accidents' that keep coming back! Lol

    And now I too must google 'pull a train'! Thanks for the laughs


    1. Pocahontas,
      I gave google a lot of "pull train" traffic with this one huh?
      Glad you got a laugh!

  6. LoL Lil, the mind boggles! Love your conents. Am going to have to look up 'pull a train' too!


  7. Drops? I need those too...

    I wonder which post of yours brought a whore called me a cunt. I don't really remember you talking like that much. Hmmm....

    1. Kitty,
      Oh yes, mass market submissive drops--I'm waiting for a package of them to arrive. I wish...

      I think that was one of those Google interpretations because "cunt" isn't really a featured word here. Maybe been typed once or twice I think lol.


Play nice.