Monday, September 3, 2012


Poor Alpha (I can hear some of you snickering and thinking "I've been saying that for ages!"). He spent weeks working on the house and finishing the laundry room. Then the paint for the laundry room turned out to be a bit pinker than he liked. Which led to the statement, "I cant' show this off now. It's pink!" But it does look really good...

He let me rearrange the living room this morning. I never get to rearrange!
So I was doing my happy little thing, moving furniture and looking at it from different angles all happy. And he told me I was a blind person's worst nightmare.

But even he had to admit, things are looking nicely.


I know I'm a dork. But I'm okay with that lol.


  1. I'm with Alpha. My dad took down a closet and I ended up with a broken hand and finger as a direct result.
    I NEVER move furniture...

    (plus, y'know, you move it, ya gotta dust where it was. Just Say No...)

    1. Jz,
      oh the betrayal! Lol.
      Though I guess I can see how you might not find it very appealing, given past experience and all.

      There was a remarkable lack of sympathy when I dragged a trunk over my foot lol (the trunk is fine).

      I can't help it, I love rearranging. It's not allowed very often though. Maybe my adoration of it stems from all the places I lived that weren't big enough to rearrange anything except which end of the bed my head is at...Which ironically, is the one thing I don't like changing around lol.

  2. I like moving furniture, and love to have to clean behind it, after all you don't have to move it again for a long time to you? (Oh you are meant to clean behind furniture; oops).

    1. Joolz,
      I keep telling my son that vacuuming isn't where you make a path down the center by shoving everything under and behind the furniture. For a bright child, he doesn't seem to be catching on to the concept very well lol.

      I doubt that I will get to move any of it again for a very long time...Well, there is next week when he redoes part of the ceiling...But then he'll expect everything to go back exactly how it was arranged before that phase of construction lol.

  3. We are furniture rearrangers in our house - constantly moving things about looking for that perfect fit. :)

    1. Kitty,
      I would be a chronic re-arranger if he let me. As is, I settle for continuously changing blog backgrounds lol.

      Our space is somewhat limited so there's not a huge amount of options...But I do like to change things up!

  4. Your laundry room reminded me of the time I painted a bedroom what I thought was going to be lavender and it ended up being very pink. I had to completely repaint it and now it's kind of a sand color. No pink rooms allowed.

    1. ancilla,
      lol--he's working on bedroom additions and I put in a request for this lovely dark red color...If I'm lucky, I'll get it on the outside of the closet.
      The bedroom we have now is blue because the dude at the paint store couldn't seem to mix me any red that didn't look like a swiss army knife. I have been holding out for my awesome red for a very long time.

      I get to keep the laundry room as is because it's "not too pink..." and he put doors on it lol. Plus, after three weeks of working on it, and how much fun it was to get the appliances in, I don't think he wants to touch it ever again. We both know he won't be spending much time in there anyways lol.

  5. Happy you have your laundry room and were able to rearrange the living room. Does that mean we will be seeing this backdrop for a while? LOL

    1. sunnygirl,
      it is/was awesome!
      And yes, I did think that perhaps I would be able to keep the same background for a while since I got to rearrange the house...But then I found myself resisting the urge to change it again, so I'm not sure lol.

  6. i think pink happens accidentally a lot. my one-coloured-wall walls were meant to be a dusky purple, the initial paint can gave me something that was more like a pukey pink. i had to redo the walls.

    they're the right colour now.

    and i LOVE rearranging furniture - so that i can clean as i go.

    1. Fondles,
      Yea, this was supposed to e kind of a rosy cream...It's very light though! Ahem.

      I'm not such a fan of cleaning as I go...But moving things around? Hooray! Lol.

  7. Yeah, what is it with pink popping up unexpectedly in paint colors when you thought you bought something else? We did our kitchen in a nice tan a couple years ago, and once the paint dried, that darn pink sprung its surprise and showed up all over the place. I swear that Joy was in on the conspiracy, but she says no...

    1. Jake,
      I don't trust the people who mix paint! That's how I ended up with a blue bedroom instead of red. I think they have their own conspiracy...


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