Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Lovely Breaks the Rules

Several bloggers were kind enough to mention me and a Lovely Blog award in the same sentence. So thank you to Fondlers Anonymous, Bratty Adaline, and aisha, for thinking of me. [Edited to add the lovely monkey from The Monkeys Journey, and Sss of Dark Pretty Fun. Thank you ladies!]
The rules as I understand them are to thank the lovelies that mentioned you, name 15 other lovely blogs, and list seven previously unknown things about yourself.

So I'm going to go about this all wrong--I won't be listing 15 blogs. If I drop by and leave semi-regular, semi-sensical (should be a word), comments on your blog--I like it.
I just did 100 things about me and I'll be in recovery for ages I suspect. So what you will get instead is seven things about Alpha. It's a fair trade right?

1. He takes charge when people don't know what to do and gets irritated when they complain about it after he has already taken care of everything.
2. He is 6'3 and at 5'6 I'm almost too tall for his taste (ha, you got two for one).
3. He keeps his word at all costs and can be loyal to a fault. This leads to upheavals of the grandest kind on the occasions when other people prove themselves to be the opposite.
4. He has a terrible soft spot for anything that resembles a wolf.
5. He started his own business at 21 and had our house payed off before he turned 26.
6. He can procrastinate until I'm blue in the face but throws himself into whatever he's doing with overwhelming focus.
7. His eyebrows wander when he sees a beautiful woman.
Bonus--he is going to raise his eyebrows at me when he reads this. And probably not in the wandering way lol.


  1. I love it. I also love #7. After all, we all appreciate beauty in many forms.

    1. sunnygirl, the wandering eyebrows have become something we laugh about. I'm not sure he was even aware of it before I pointed it out lol.

  2. Nice idea, it's always nice to know more about the other half of the people I read.

    1. faerie, me too. I think that a lot of times, the sub blogs we choose to read are as much about the Dominant beside the sub as anything else.

  3. I love the wandering eyebrows comment. Awesome!

    How did you create the tabs along the top of ypur blog?

    1. Kat, thank you.
      The tabs at the top are stand alone pages. Blogger will let you create ten and choose where to place them (at the top, side, bottom, etc.)
      I made those before the new dashboard that most new blogs started with, so I'm not sure what it looks like before pages are made. But when I click "design" at the top of my blog, the page I go to has "pages" listed on the left right below "posts" and above "comments".
      From the dashboard they are listed on the pull down tab right next to "edit posts".
      You should be able to just select "create page" and then get the option of placing them wherever you want on your blog.

      Again, I'm not sure if they show the same if you haven't already created them because I already had them up before the current dashboard was put in place.

      If that doesn't work for you, come back and leave another comment--lovely readers have been very helpful with this sort of question in the past and will sometimes answer these questions for me.

    2. Thanks so much lil. I will give this a try.

  4. I liked this idea too!!!!! It's so nice to get to know the people that mold our fellow peeps! ;o)

  5. BTW... I love the new look on your blog! Very pretty!

    1. Mikki,
      it's been so long since I have seen you pop by. Nice to see you again!
      And thanks re: the new look--it has gotten so much nice feedback that I sat on my hands last night to avoid changing it again lol.

  6. tut tut lil not following the rules lol

    I think it was refreshing to hear a bit of trivia about Alpha, i did chuckle at number 1 thats my Master to a tee and its usually me that complains when i ask him to 'help' me with something and then instantly regret asking...i will learn one day!

    tori x

    1. tori, in retrospect it would have probably been a lot easier for me to do 100 things about him than about myself lol.
      1 can e kind of painful to watch when it's not me doing the complaining lol.

  7. Nice twist on the reading more Alpha. Congrats on your nice award!

  8. lil you do have a quite lovely blog - whatever the background (this one's especially nice - just sayin) i love hearing about alpha - great idea

    1. gg,
      Thank you. And I think I have done quite well resisting the urge to change this background lol.

      And I wore myself out with that 100 things lol. So for a while all things like this will probably be about him. It's far easier anyways!

  9. Glad you changed the rules a bit. It's nice to hear a little bit about Alpha. Impressive, to say the least.

    1. st,
      one can only say so many things about themselves before getting bored with it lol. And I know that I always like to read about the other non-blogging half of a relationship.


Play nice.