Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Springtime and Other Random Things

It's the first day of Spring! So of course, it's snowing. Scratch that, it's dumping lol. Is there any other way to usher in a new season of warmth?

In other random news, I thought I would share that the moon isn't saving my ass--Alpha just knows me well. I have these little devils that take over my mind once a month, you know, kind of like on the Exorcist, hormonal issues I'm working on. He was being nice. Because earlier he had, very kindly, offered me the hugest and probably truest insult of some time:

"Part of it is natural cycles, part of it is fear, and some of it, I'm sorry to say, is just rather teenage type behavior. You are stuck on what you don't want instead of focusing on what you do want. You spend too much time thinking and dissecting things, when sometimes you just have to let go and just be."

Oh good gods above, did he just accuse me of being the root of all terror in homes across the world behaving like a teenager? Oh. Ouch. Denial just may very well be a river in Egypt--I think a crocodile just took a chunk out of me.

So there you have it, the preceding conversation lol.

The feeling of repentance...I gots it.

Did I mention it's freezing? Kind of like my brain. I think I need a reboot.


  1. Hmmm. It's 70 here when it ought to be snowing and cold. Maybe we are off because of the weather -not bad weather, just that there is weather at all. Cuz this whole thing could have come straight from our house these days. Especially the just be part. Why is that so damn difficult?

    1. gg, some days I feel like the weather lol.
      I dunno why just being is so damn difficult. To much excess thought to have room for it perhaps? Difficulty staying in the moment...?
      If you figure it out, please consider me at the top of the notifications list.

  2. We've never even had winter here. I think it's been in the thirties maybe twice all season. Master swears we're going to have a blizzard in July.

    Master also complains the couple days before my period when my hormones are wonky. He says once I have my period I'm fine, but the two or three days before I'm just crazy. Which I am. I'm irritable, cranky, depressed, and completely off from how I normally am with him.

    1. Kitten, we have had blizzards in June. It's been a long time though.
      Alpha reminds me they are biting, and that does help me realize what's happening and put a bit better of a damper on it.

  3. Yes well im not allowed to use the excuse of it being the time of the month for behaving stroppy lol...i have tried. I really try not to because i know its not nice and the last thing he needs and wants is me behaving like a child.

    Its not easy to just let go if it was i think most of us wouldnt have the internal struggle that we do have, if i could wave a magic wand and make everything ok and let it all come together easily i would but we dont live in a fairy tale.

    So i try very hard and thats all he asks for, when i do behave chidishly he pulls me straight back into line, i need that even if i dont want it.

    tori x

    1. painspleasure, ah well, I'm not allowed to use hormones as an excuse either lol.
      One of the reasons he reminds me about my own hormonal turmoil is because half the time I don't even notice it happening and am just standing there going "wtf is going on with me?" More than anything, it completely kills my sex drive. He can take and often does, but he prefers I want taken lol.

      And the childish behavior, well it may have been known to happen without the help of hormones. Occasionally lol. It's a behavior I don't really like in anyone, so he knows if he points it out, my horror should wipe it out lol.

      Usually when I need to be pulled back in line, I want it as much as I don't want it, if that makes any sense whatsoever...Sometimes it is far easier to wait till someone else does the reining in, than it is to do it oneself.
      Him pointing out what I don't always see happening is his way of giving me an opportunity to rein in myself. Of course, if I don't take it, consequences are a given lol.

  4. ps i am partial to the alternative magic wand though (blogger needs to get smiley faces)!

    tori x

    1. guess if I had been paying attention, I would have caught this one the first time lol.
      I would love blogger to get smiley faces...Except every time they "improve" or "add" something goes wrong. It would probably charge a word fee--for every smiley, blogger will eat a word associated with it.

  5. Snow?? Even I don't have snow lol! And yeah, hormones grrrr!!!

    Dee x

    1. Dee, yea, one last little hurrah I guess. Hows it working for you growling at the hormones? I tried it and they bit me.

  6. Snow this time of year would be normal for me, instead it is in the seventies and the flowers and trees are in bloom.

    Sorry to hear those awful hormones are bothering you. I never knew when they only came once a month how easy it was. Don't get me wrong, they were awful then, but now, now they show up whenever the heck they feel like it which is waaaay to often for me, lol.

    1. faeire, seems like our weather patters are getting mroe out of whack every year here.
      They show up whenever they feel like?? That's...Just unfair. And should just really be against the rules.

  7. Sorry it's snowing - I used to live in CO and it used to kill me that March was the snowiest month -I was ready for spring. That would always play havoc with my mood too.

    1. sunnygirl, right? You get all geared up and clean the car in shorts one day, the next you're huddled in front of the heater watching the snow pile up.


Play nice.