Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Liebster Times Three...Okay, Maybe Two

The sweet sunnygirl, gracious Ward and June, and the darling ancilla_ksst were all kind enough to nominate me for the Liebster thingy.
So a big thank you to all of you for thinking of me!

I'm going to break it into two posts and answers ancilla's questions in the second one. Because some of hers made me squirm, and this was promising to be an excessively lengthy post even for me.

So here's the rules (some of which I am going to ignore completely of course),
Post 11 random facts about self and answer the questions asked by the person who nominated you.
Pass the award on to 11 other blogs and notify the bloggers you nominated.
Write out 11 new questions for the people you nominate.
You cannot give the award to the person(s) who nominated you.
Paste the award picture on your own blog.

I'm still worn out by the One Hundred Things About Me post 1 and post 2. So you will get 11 random things about Alpha/us in this post and 11 in the next post when I get to ancilla and some of her squirm inspiring questions.

I'm not going to nominate 11 blogs--I'm going to go a different route that I thought was fun because I got to play on someone elses blog (is elses really not a word? Blogger swears it isn't). I'll ask my readers questions instead in hopes that someone wants to play.

Okay, so 11 random facts about Alpha/us and possibly me, in this post, and 11 in the next one, is fair right?

1. The first topic of conversation when we get in bed is almost always how cold my ass is. Accompanied by an offer to warm it up of course.
2. When Alpha wraps his hand around my throat, his fingers almost touch.
3. He thinks that my occasional little rebellions are "cute" which takes all the wind out of my sails.
4. For as long as I have known him, Alpha has always had at least one wolf hybrid.
5. Alpha says that I have never seen him be mean. It's a subject of debate that I think I might have won--I have never seen him be cruel.
6. I prefer dogs to cats. What can I say, the male species has, overall, always been a bit easier for me to get along with. Sorry, couldn't resist...
7. My pain gets him off--only if it's getting me off.
8. Alpha is the only person who has ever given me an orgasm.
9. The meanest thing he does on a regular basis is refuse to let my icy toes get within eight inches of him when we go to bed.
10. Alpha has a thing for blonds but I'm brunette.
11. He has been known to work 24 hours straight at times. Leading to the occasional woman asking me if I thought his entire crew was cheating on their wives (my answer was no in case anyone was wondering).

So, the questions from sunnygirl are:
"Do you prefer coffee or tea?" Oh, coffee all the way.
"Are you Democrat, Republican, or Independent?" Democrat. Though I've become pretty disillusioned with all of them. Best of two evils and all that good crap.
"How do you eat an Oreo cookie?" Have to take them apart, eat the filling off one side, then save the side without filling for last.
"Do you prefer to drive or fly when traveling?" Definitely drive.
"When do you open your Christmas presents?" On Christmas day first thing in the morning--my mom used to make me wait until after breakfast (only day of the year she cooked breakfast), and it drove me nuts as a kid.
"What's your favorite time of the year?" Spring. It's awesome.
"Do you prefer to read actual books or use an E reader?" I will never own an E reader--stories are meant to have the tactile experience that comes with turning a page and smelling books.
"How do you prefer being spanked?" When I'm not in trouble.
"Were you urged to write a blog by PK?" No.
"What kind of car do you drive?" Subaru.

Questions from Ward and June:
"What is your favorite pizza topping?" Anything Alpha puts on it that one time a year he makes pizza from scratch.
"What is your favorite eye color?" I would say green...But I have developed a soft spot for those big dark brown eyes that can melt ice.
"Who is your favorite actor/actress?" Oh geez...I don't really have one.
"What is your favorite way to connect with your partner?" Anything that involves me not having any control.
"What is your favorite spanking memory?" Um...Cant pick one. My brain gets fuzzy.
"Who do you find inspirational?" That is dependent on the day or moment to moment.
"What is your favorite article of clothing?" Hands down, it has to be the hooded sweatshirt. Sexy right?
"If you could meet a famous person living or dead, who would it be?" Oh crud, I don't know--I don't pay much attention to famous people.
"If you could have any one wish, what would it be?" To know without a doubt that I would not outlive my husband or children.

In the spirit of rule breaking that won't get me in trouble, I'm going to ask my readers questions. Oh please won't you play? You can leave it here in the comments or run off to your own little corner with it.

1. What was your funniest spanking/Ds experience?
2.What do you think defines someone as "good" or "bad"?
3. If you could pick one thing to do before you die, what would it be? I'm not picky about logistics like gravity or finances here.
4. If you had to pick one thing that pisses you off more than anything else, what would it be? Just one, I know--it's unreasonable isn't it.
5. What always makes you smile no matter how bad things are?
6. If there was one thing that you could teach the world, what would it be?

I'll keep it down to six because I think that increases my chances of someone playing along lol.


  1. Pies are in the oven, squash in the slow cooker- I'll play!

    1. What was your funniest spanking/Ds experience?

    The funniest? That is a hard one. One of the best- I remember laughing a lot and also having an awesome time was being tied to a female friend and being double topped my Master and another (male) friend. It was outside, a warm day, and they dumped cold water and ice on us, after flogging, biting, caning etc. It was pretty funny, but mostly extremely fun.

    2.What do you think defines someone as "good" or "bad"?

    You are not into easy questions, are you? A bad person is dishonestly out to hurt others, and not hurt them in a good way.

    3. If you could pick one thing to do before you die, what would it be? I'm not picky about logistics like gravity or finances here.

    I want to go to Australia.

    4. If you had to pick one thing that pisses you off more than anything else, what would it be? Just one, I know--it's unreasonable isn't it.

    Child molestors. They make me feel murderous.

    5. What always makes you smile no matter how bad things are?

    There have been times when I couldn't smile at anything, but usually my Master manages to make me smile with a joke.

    6. If there was one thing that you could teach the world, what would it be?

    Not to buy puppies from pet stores. There is my simple soapbox.

    1. ancilla,
      Ooh, i wanna come over to your house for dinner! We're doing our thanksgiving dinner on Sunday, so that sounds much better than whatever I'm throwing together tomorrow lol.

      Is there much point in asking the easy questions?

      I'm with you on number four!
      Thank you for playing!

  2. OK, I'm gonna play along, even tho' I sorta had my chance...

    1- the time I had to keep rolling up onto my forehead so as not to suffocate in my down comforter. (prolly a "you had to be there" story, but still, the correct answer)

    2- a sense of morality and the courage of their convictions

    3- to have my hands on enough money that I can stop living in a constant state of worry

    4- bullying

    5- sunlight on leaves

    6- I got nuttin'.
    I'm the student, not the teacher... :-)

    1. Jz,
      Lol, I dunno--number one sounds pretty funny from here.
      I totally feel you on number three. I do often wonder what it would be like to live without that worry always there in the background...
      Six...well with that kind of humility, what's left to say?

      I'm so glad you played!

  3. I'll play:

    Funniest spanking experience: I can't think of any but I guess the time he broke the heavy wooden spoon on my titanium butt. We laughed like crazy over that.

    Defining Good and Bad: Bad as in evil, or you're so bad. Lines sometimes blur.

    Do before I die: Get to Washington State

    Piss me off: The list is long but I think seeing others being mean to others or animals.

    What always makes me smile. The list is long but I guess life.

    What to teach the word: The sun will come up tomorrow now matter what you do today.

    Happy Thanksgiving.

    1. sunnygirl,
      thanks again for the nomination, and I'm glad you decided to come play!
      Ooh, I want a titanium butt of my very own. Methinks I probably don't work out enough to earn it though...

      Happy Thanksgiving to you as well. I hope that you have a lovely day.

  4. Okies - here's mine:

    1. What was your funniest spanking/Ds experience?
    Hmmm...I'mweird, it's something that we approach from a spiritual level,we haven't had anything ha-ha funny ever happen.

    2.What do you think defines someone as "good" or "bad"?
    Intent. A good person can do a bad thing not because they are bad, but because they lack understanding and/or are misguided.

    3. If you could pick one thing to do before you die, what would it be? I'm not picky about logistics like gravity or finances here.
    The west coast ofIreland

    4. If you had to pick one thing that pisses you off more than anything else, what would it be? Just one, I know--it's unreasonable isn't it.
    People who judge other people.

    5. What always makes you smile no matter how bad things are?
    Daddy and the boys.

    6. If there was one thing that you could teach the world, what would it be?
    That it does not matter what things you possess, it only matters if you truly love and have been truly loved.

    1. June,
      Yay, you played!
      I find your answer to number two interesting because I have been pondering the concepts of doing the right thing for the wrong reason versus doing the wrong thing for the right reason...

      As to number six...I think that the world would be a much better place if we all took that to heart.

  5. I agree with Alpha that cold toes and asses should be forbidden.
    Your questions:
    1. didn't I ever had a funny experience.
    2. I don't think there are intrinsically good or bad persons. We had someone in our town who killed a young girl. His mother and sister defended him furious because he was such a good person. Until he confessed and showed where he buried the body. They still thought he was a good person, just had wrong friends.
    3. Kiss Lisa
    4. Politicians who can use toothpaste but cannot count to ten.
    5. Babies
    6. Carpe Diem

    1. Bas,
      Blogger ate my entire reply rgh. So this one will probably be short in the hopes that everything doesn't disapear when I hit "publish".

      I can't help it if I have unreasonable circulation! Lol.

      Alpha and I have often theorized that babies give off "baby vibes" that one just can't ignore because they're happiness makes you happy no matter what.

  6. I love these questions so much I just had to play... that and I missed LOL :( Onward!

    1. What was your funniest spanking/Ds experience?: When He first did it, only to realize I liked it.
    2.What do you think defines someone as "good" or "bad"?: There is no rigid distinction in my mind. We each hold the capacity for both and, besides, we are all mirrors to another. What we see as "bad" in another is a reflection of ourselves. Or at least an aspect of it.
    3. If you could pick one thing to do before you die, what would it be? I'm not picky about logistics like gravity or finances here.: To know without doubt that I have lived my life to it's fullest.
    4. If you had to pick one thing that pisses you off more than anything else, what would it be? Just one, I know--it's unreasonable isn't it.: ..... My impatience? I only have mini ones!
    5. What always makes you smile no matter how bad things are?: Love
    6. If there was one thing that you could teach the world, what would it be?: Compassion

    Thanks, that was awesome.. and I love reading everyones' responses! Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Senator,
      Thank you for commenting. I'm glad that you decided to de-lurk and play along!

      Lol@ number one. I can see how that might have taken him back a bit.
      As to four, if all of us only had mini ones, the world would probably be a much nicer place to live.

    2. Oddly enough, the funny bit was his face: a comical caricature of all "bad guys" combined. It was like the world had suddenly opened up for him and he was a happy happy man indeed.

  7. I'll play here, since I already did one of these yesterday on my blog. LOL

    1-What was your funniest spanking/Ds experience?

    Ah, being pulled over a friend's lap and getting spanked in front of a room full of people (all clothing still on). I totally deserved it. I was antagonizing the poor man (a dom/sadist) all evening. He'd had enough and spanked me. Half way through we were laughing so hard that he had trouble keeping me still. It was just a really fun/funny experience.

    2-What do you think defines someone as "good" or "bad"?

    I could debate over this for the rest of my life and still have more to say...but...

    I define "good" as those who selflessly help others, with no personal gain.

    "Bad" as those who only do for others for the sake of personal gain.

    I find most people, including myself, tend to be somewhere in the middle. Those who aim for that "good" are the people I keep around in my life.

    3-If you could pick one thing to do before you die, what would it be? I'm not picky about logistics like gravity or finances here.

    I have an online group of friends, most of whom I'll never get to meet in person. I'd love to get all of us together for a few days in one location.

    4-If you had to pick one thing that pisses you off more than anything else, what would it be? Just one, I know--it's unreasonable isn't it.

    When people make incorrect assumptions/assertions about me and then won't even listen to why they're completely misunderstanding me. It's a big pet peeve when people assume they know me better than I know myself, especially on a first or second meeting.

    It's an issue I come across far too often in my local "community" of kink because I don't fit into "traditional" roles, whatever those are. ;-)

    5-What always makes you smile no matter how bad things are?

    Hehe, He does. He has from the moment I met Him and has continued to do so every day since. Even when I'm so low I don't think I'll ever see the light, He finds a way to make me smile. :)

    6-If there was one thing that you could teach the world, what would it be?

    How to live/love without regrets, and without as much selfishness as well.

    1. JustAnotherSub,
      Thanks for playing!
      Your answer to number four is something that rankles me as well. It's extra frustrating because they have already made up their minds so no matter what you say, it doesn't make a difference.

  8. 1 - can't think of anything specific but there have been plenty of occasions where there's been an inopportune fart, or one of us had fallen or nearly fallen off the bed, or something's just struck one or both of us as funny and we've ended up in hysterics together!

    2 - tricky, because both 'good' & 'bad' are, in the end, relative value judgements. But I guess - intent.

    3 - lots of things would be fun, like a cruise or a visit to Harry Potter world, or publish a novel... In the end, just remain happy, with Him, and our children

    4 - stubborn, ignorant, illogical, blinkered bigotry

    5 - He does :D

    6 - That we are supposed to be happy, this world is NOT a veil of tears or meant be passed in sorrow and suffering, we are in fact made and intended for joy.

    I enjoyed that!

    BTW, your random facts 7 & 8 - me too (except, in 8, i mean my husband not Alpha!)

    1. mamacrow,
      I'm glad you played!
      LOL--glad to hear it wasn't Alpha. That made me giggle.


Play nice.